Environmental Consultants
Providing Everything You Need

Environmental impact assessment
Hydro-Ecology specialises in assessing the environmental impacts of developments on marine and estuarine environments. Our services include:
Environmental Impact Statements (EIS)
Review of Environmental Factors (REF)
Species Impacts Statements (SIS)
Coastal and estuarine research
Marine ecology is a speciality of Hydro-Ecology:
Estuarine ecological studies
Habitat surveys
Flora and fauna surveys/studies
Sediment and water quality analyses
Ecological modelling
Riparian and foreshore assessment, rehabilitation and management
Mangrove and saltmarsh ecology
Geographical Information Systems (GIS)

Water Sensitive Urban Design and hydrological modelling
Water quality modelling and monitoring
Catchment and stormwater modelling
Water Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD)
Integrated water management
Constructed wetlands
Nutrient management

Habitat remediation
Riparian and foreshore assessment, rehabilitation and management
Saltmarsh and mangrove rehabilitation
Stream bank and riparian remediation
Water Sensitive Urban Design to protect wetlands
Dune remediation and management

Hydro-Ecology has trained educators and facilitators and can provide the following services:
Mangrove forest walks
Saltmarsh tours
Rock platform tours
Educational brochures and other material